Thursday, January 15, 2009

Healthy Living Challenge

Hello. Well I have been busy designing, as well as trying to keep up with home, family, and friends.

I've also started a healthy living challenge with some friends and family that is proving to be pretty difficult. We all put a little money in the community pot and the winner takes away all the cash. It is four weeks long and I timed it to end on Valentine's Day so I could reward myself with some of my favorite chocolates from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I've already clued my husband in so he knows what to get me;)

I thought I would post the worksheet though, to share with all of you, because I think the way it is set up is brilliant. My sister's in-laws set it up, so they get all the credit. It's not who loses the most weight- it's based on a point system and whoever lives the healthiest wins. So, without further ado, heeeeeere it is:

Biggest Loser Worksheet

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